Do you think more businesses should have expectant mother parking spots? Why or why not?

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Abgeschickt von Mentelus am 16 Februar, 2009 um 14:31:00

Antwort auf: Hola brothers at forums!!!)) Let's talk about mp3 music)) von Idiorsnogniff am 19 Januar, 2009 um 06:57:22:

If women wouldn't get pregnant the world would not repopulate. And if you have swollen legs and have to pee really bad. You get dizzy from walking a long stretch in the heat b/c you have to get things done. Not saying a handicap spot, but just to make it easier on the woman who is carrying more..Not saying forever, just saying maybe 6 months?
Dizzy in the heat! it's always 100 degrees here.. In the store it's cooler and you can sit and take breaks.. You're not going to sit on some random persons tailgate on your way to the store b/c you need to sit with your swollen ankles?
And when handicap ppl see all those spots with ppl who aren't handicapped they are reminded of what they can't have.
Women with children? Yea who just had a newborn and need to haul the diaper bag the car seat all over. Come on ppl.
Oh and probably had a section or an episitomy .. I think dr office and hospitals should have it. You have to bring your kid to the dr when they're a day old and you just had stitches and are in pain.


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